Melanie's Fundraiser for Metastatic Breast Cancer
It's that time of year again - time to read and raise funds for metastatic breast cancer!
It's that time of year again - time to read and raise funds for metastatic breast cancer!
As you all know I have been living with metastatic breast cancer for almost six years. And every year in October everything turns annoyingly pink and the whole month is dedicated to "raising awareness" for breast cancer. Nobody is unaware of breast cancer and I don't know anyone who's life it hasn't touched. No, what we really need is research being funded for Metastatic Breast Cancer because that is the type that kills and research into the hows and whys is what has helped push this terminal illness into a chronic illness for me. I won't say it has been easy - this year and the pandemic have made things particularly hard - but it has meant that I have spent 6 more years with my family than was expected at my initial diagnosis. I said last year at my 5th anniversary that my plan was to spend five more years with my family but recent health struggles sometimes make that feel impossible. This is why research is so important - because the more options out there the longer I get.
This year Turning the Page on Cancer was unfortunate to have our founder Samantha die. She was a fierce advocate for research - even when she knew her days were ending. So we hope to honour her spunk and her spirit this year. Sam was initially diagnosed at the age of 24. I have had a number of friends die this year as well as some "in real life friends" let me know that they now have breast cancer. All of them young and fit and seemingly healthy. This is why research into this epidemic is so needed.
People keep asking how they can support this fundraiser. I honestly think joining the fundraiser if you have the time and energy is a great way to spread the word. The readathon will be happening on October 17th and what a great day to honour those who have died this past year - especially Sam. It usually a fun day to relax, read lots, and eat snacks. Often there are prizes.
Money for research is also a great way to support this fundraiser but I am well aware of how people are suffering after two years of a pandemic. So if the only way you can support me is by sharing this page with your friends and spreading the word about our fundraiser that's great too. The more people who know about it the better.
Thank you all for your time if you have read all the way to the bottom! >insert laughing face here<